
ST. Joan of Arc Secondary School

SJA NCS Information Day 2020

Approaching the 65th anniversary this year, St. Joan of Arc Secondary School is upholding our commitment to the provision of quality education for our students of different nationalities by constantly reviewing our curriculum and perfecting the school facilities.  In addition, as the number of NCS students in our school is increasing drastically, we are implementing a series of measures to cater for their needs.  We, therefore, held an Info Day on 28 Nov 2020 for Primary 6 NCS students and their parents and provided them with the most up-to-date information about our school.  NCS students currently studying in our school also shared their experiences to show that St. Joan of Arc Secondary School is always the best choice for NCS students.

Address: 55 Braemar Hill Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: 2578 5984
Fax: 2578 5725
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