
ST. Joan of Arc Secondary School


  1. To spread a religious atmosphere in the school.
  2. To enrich students’ knowledge and arouse their interest in Christianity through diversified activities.
  3. To integrate the core values of Catholic education into the daily life of students.
  4. To provide moral education in collaboration with other departments through activities, like visits, lectures, workshops.
  5. To inspire students to reflect on life, experiences and how to serve and care for people.
  6. To build camaraderie and school spirit through active participation in religious activities and training into religious leaders-to-be.
  7. To help students develop positive values and to develop into caring and respectful citizens.
  8. To provide a harmonious and peaceful environment to safeguard a healthy environment for students’ personal development.
  9. To nurture students through positive reinforcement.

Regular activities/work

  1. Arranging gatherings in mass celebrations, religious groups and prayer meetings.
  2. Organizing various activities related to the school year theme and “St. Joanian Culture”.
  3. Provision of nurturing and moral education activities in different perspectives.
  4. Preparing prayers for morning assemblies.

Team Members

Ms. Chan Yau Mei, Fatima (Teacher in-charge)
Mr. Lau Ho Wun
Mr. Tse Kai Kuen, Alfred
Ms. Tsui Ka Lai
Ms. Chu Wai Ling Rosanna (Pastoral Assistant)

Address: 55 Braemar Hill Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: 2578 5984
Fax: 2578 5725
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