Category :
Date :
2023-11-04 (Saturday)
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The Chief Scout's Award is the highest award of the Scout Section It is in recognition of the Scouts' achievement in the areas of Scoutcraft, Adventure, Culture, Community, Health, Commitment, Service and Leadership. We have 3 scout members achieved the highest progressive award in scout section - "Chief Scout's Award". These 3 members are Allison LUK (Sea Scout), Hayley WONG (Scout) & Hayden ONG (Air Scout). This year is a special year as the 3 scouts broke 3 records for the 48HKG! Record 1/ This year marks the 3rd consecutive year with members achieving the highest scout section award. (2021: Carrie YEUNG & Maggie LIU; 2022: Marcus CHONG) Record 2/ The most members achieving Chief Scout's Award in recent year Record 3/ First time to have members from sea, land and air scout section achieving the award.