
ST. Joan of Arc Secondary School

Looking back to move forward

2024-03-08 (Friday)
Category : Studying

8th March, 2024 was a memorable day for all S6 graduates-to-be as it's their last formal school day. In reminiscence of their six fruitful years in SJA, a meaningful farewell ceremony was held in the hall that day. Our principal, vice-principals and S6 teachers showed their full support to our S6 students and gave them another round of guiding words of encouragement and reminders. 

A warm atmosphere of positive reinforcement and camaraderie could be felt in the hallways when cheer-up cards written by teachers were used as background of a video especially made for this occasion. The happy gathering came to an end after the blasting performance staged by all S6 students, a moment of mixed feelings, which would dwell in their minds forever. Thanks, teachers for your effort in teaching another cohort of cherished St. Joanians!

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