
ST. Joan of Arc Secondary School

We all are alive with ‘The Sound of Music’

2024-05-25 (Saturday)
Category : Extra-curricula activities

It all started with ‘the first few notes that happened to be, DO RE MI, …’

Twenty-three S1 to S3 students with passion in music and drama were selected to join the co-curricular excursion held by the Music and the English departments on 25th May, 2024. Led by Principal Yuen, Mr. Chan and Mrs Wong, our beloved students had their ‘once in a lifetime’ experience watching a world-renowned musical – The Sound of Music, organized by Broadway International Group Ltd and Broadway Asia Ltd.

SJA has always valued students’ learning beyond the classroom where experiential learning takes place to create lasting memories in students’ minds giving them autonomy to further develop their learning in their own ways. It has been a valuable life wide learning day for students and teachers alike.

Before entering the Xiqu Centre hall, students were given a briefing to alert them on drama and music elements which they should focus on, where learning took place inductively. When interviewed during the intermission, students were already caught in emotions. They were so touched by the beautiful lyrics and music, natural interaction among the cast and mesmerized by the atmosphere created by the dramatic effects and the mind-blowing synopsis that teary looks could be seen.

During the finale, the audience were invited to sing together with the cast. Everyone was so immersed by the magic of music and drama as though they were part of the Von Trap family. While leaving the hall, SJA students’ beautiful singing could be heard everywhere, proving that our first lesson of English musical has been a real success. Needless to say, more cooperation between the Music and English departments are on the way. Stay tuned for our own musical production in due course!

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