
ST. Joan of Arc Secondary School

Book Club held a Reading Training Workshop (3): Entrepreneurship on 11/1, 18/1 and 8/2. Lecturer will introduce stories about different entrepreneurs, in order to let participating students to learn about the spirit of entrepreneurship.



Focus of learning

Elon Musk

Tesla, SpaceX

Story of Elon Musk’s Space X: keep on fighting to invent recyclable space rockets, learn about the 3 questions about curiosity.

Li Ka-Shing

Cheung Kong Holdings

Over 90 years old Li Ka-Shing insist in continuous learning and investing in new technology, showing the spirit of Learn X.

Bill Gates


Learn to take on social responsibility through Bill Gates’ story of focusing on charity, vaccines and reducing world inequality in recent years.

Jack Ma


Story of Jack Ma: Learn about perseverance and never give up through Jack Ma’s English learning experience, and the story of applying to college and finding a job.

Steve Jobs

Apple Inc.

Steve Jobs’ story: learning how about courage to take chance through Steve Jobs inventing the innerving Macintosh.

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