
ST. Joan of Arc Secondary School

CHARITY (力行仁愛) is the theme of this academic year. We learn that the Bible story of the Good Samaritan is a parable to demonstrate how we should “love our neighbours as ourselves.” When others need our help the most, like the man beaten by robbers on the road, our love for neighbours is truly tested. Jesus instructs us to be like the Good Samaritan, helping others in times of suffering and not neglecting their neighbours. Through curriculum, we educate students to foster the true spirit of mutual true spirit of mutual love with compassion and inclusion. And we should take pride in self-love, neighbourly love and likewise for society. (力行仁愛 關愛包容 愛自己 愛近人 愛社區)

Upholding the virtue of CHARITY, we are devoted to creating a place for St. Joanians to pursue their dreams. We advocate DREAM education to provide student with opportunities to reach their full potentials by studying at SJA.

Dynamic curriculum with multilingual programmes

Remarkable positive thinking ethos

Exquisite school environment

Awesome multicultural campus

Multiple pathways to graduation      

This school year, we start a tradition of establishing a house system. Each student is allocated to one of the three houses, namely St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael (the three archangels), competing with one another at sports and in other ways, thus providing a focus for group loyalty. Amongst other advantages it gives opportunity for students to mix with students in younger and older years and it gives rise to many more chances for leadership and cooperation. Friendly competition is also good for collegiality. This system creates a strong sense of unity and responsibility and develops a better sense of belonging to the school.

Best wishes for another fruitful and happy school year at SJA.

Mr. Yuen Cheung Oi

Do for others what you want them to do for you. (Matthew 7:12)

Address: 55 Braemar Hill Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: 2578 5984
Fax: 2578 5725
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