The theme of this school year is HOPE. We can witness the miracle and glory created by God when always having HOPE. The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a new normal that is likely to last for years to come. There is no denying that the turbulence is terrible, but it also motivates us to do things differently and spurs motivation. As the old saying goes, "Every threat is an opportunity". In times of difficulty, we should never give up and lose HOPE easily. In contrast, we should demonstrate resilience, optimism, adaptability, creativity and commitment to tide over hardships hand in hand. I can proudly say that the SJA family did it and will do it diligently to safeguard the wellbeing of our students and staff, and at the same time we continue to respond innovatively to ensure that our teaching continue to forge ahead.
Over the past 65 years, the school has been providing students with good quality education and a lot of alumni have made enormous achievements in their lives and contributions to society. In future, the school endeavours to nurture the new generation embracing the value of Catholic Education: Truth, Justice, Love, Family and Life, as always. We are devoted to providing multiple approaches for learning, enhancing students’ academic and non-academic performance and equipping them for the challenges ahead.
We hold high expectations for students and believe that it is our job as educators to find their strengths, cultivate them, and help them believe in themselves. Always keep your hope alive (常懷希望). Don’t be afraid of failures as you can learn and grow from your mistakes. Let’s become positive and dynamic St. Joanians.
Mr. Yuen Cheung Oi
Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times. Romans 12:12