
ST. Joan of Arc Secondary School

As more and more students join St. Joan of Arc Secondary School, an exciting new learning journey begins. This year, our commitment to quality education remains unwavering, as we strive to create an environment that nurtures the dreams and aspirations of every St. Joanian. Our mission is to provide a platform for students to pursue their passions and unlock their full potential.

At St. Joan of Arc Secondary School, we proudly advocate DREAM education, emphasizing Dedication, Resilience, Excellence, Achievement, and Motivation. Through a Dynamic curriculum that encompasses multilingual programs, we aim to equip our students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in a globalized world. We foster a Remarkable positive thinking ethos, encouraging students to believe in their abilities and strive for greatness.

Our commitment to creating an Exquisite school environment goes beyond physical aesthetics. We emphasize the importance of a supportive and inclusive community, where students feel safe, valued, and empowered to express themselves. Our Awesome multicultural campus celebrates diversity, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding. We believe that by embracing the richness of different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives, we create a tapestry of learning that enriches the educational experience and paves Multiple pathways to gradation for all.

With the academic theme of JUSTICE "持守正義" this year, we nurture our students to become responsible and accountable “積極承擔” citizens, instilling in them the values of fairness“處事公正”and mutual respect“相互尊重”. Through Bible teachings, we encourage our students to embrace their role as salt and light. Being the salt of the earth, we empower our students to make a positive impact on society, promoting empathy, respect, and compassion. As the light, we inspire them to illuminate the path for those in need, offering guidance and support.

We believe that true education extends beyond academics, shaping students into well-rounded individuals who make a difference in the world. We encourage our students to embrace their dreams, for they hold the power to shape their destiny. With unwavering dedication, hard work, and the support of our dedicated staff, we are confident that every St. Joanian will soar to new heights of achievement and personal growth.

Together, let us embark on this new learning journey, united in our pursuit of knowledge, justice, and the realization of our dreams. May this academic year be filled with transformative experiences, lifelong friendships, and unparalleled success. Welcome to St. Joan of Arc Secondary School, where dreams become a reality.

Mr. Yuen Cheung Oi

You are like salt for the whole human race, You are like light for the whole world. (Matthew 5:13-14)

Address: 55 Braemar Hill Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: 2578 5984
Fax: 2578 5725
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