
ST. Joan of Arc Secondary School

Principal's speech

Principal's Message (2020-2021)

Looking back to the school year 2019-2020, I probably use the word ‘Faith’ to conclude what had happened. The social unrest and COVID-19 pandemic strike the territory and the world. This seriously affects our daily routine and interrupts our usual practices. Dealing with the unprecedented situation, I sometimes feel frustrated and doubt if my decision is right or wrong. However, I never lose my Faith and always praise the God. By Faith we can cast ourselves with all our burdens into God’s arm without reservation. We cast all fear, doubts and anxiety on Him because he cares for and protects us. He also teaches us how we should conduct ourselves in all of life’s circumstances. Filled with rest and spiritual power, we are led onward by God in paths of righteousness. He guides and leads our steps throughout our life.

The Chinese characters “危機” for “crisis” are very meaningful and inspiring. There is always opportunity in every dangerous situation. The problem always contains the seeds of solution. During the class suspension period, the teachers conducted real-time online lessons to keep students learning. This definitely speeds up the process of e-learning, which is beneficial to teachers and students. In the new school year, the school continues to develop e-learning, making student learning beyond classrooms. We have a strong Faith that nothing can prevent the school from providing students with quality education.

In the new academic year, junior-form students are provided with opportunities to gain novel learning experience in a wide selection of curricular activities covering French, Japanese, drama, sports, culinary, arts, etc. during ‘life-wide learning’ lessons. Students, just believe yourselves, work hard on the aspect you are interested in and unleash your own potentials and talents. Let your life shine!   Make yourself proud of being a “St Joanian” !

This year, we are celebrating the 65th anniversary of the school. Let us work hand in hand to reach for a brighter future.


Matthew 21:22  “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”


Mr. Yuen Cheung Oi

Address: 55 Braemar Hill Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: 2578 5984
Fax: 2578 5725
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